Journey's dueSouth Fanfiction

The following stories are slash fiction depicting two men in a
loving relationship. They all feature Benton Fraser and
Ray Kowalski. If NC-17 slash and/or Ray K are not your cup
of tea or if you are under the age of 18, please hit the "back"
button on your browser and go play elsewhere.

The characters of dueSouth who are featured in these stories are
not mine, no matter what I may wish. They belong to Alliance/
Atlantis. No money is being made from these stories.

Below you will find a complete list of my stories to date.
Please read and enjoy them. Feedback is always
appreciated at

All the best,


Family Portrait 1/21/01 446K AU, NC-17. A widowed policeman meets a Canadian Mountie in Chicago.
Journey's End 2/7/01 8K R. A post-CoTW ficlet about the end of the search for Franklin's Hand.
Pack 2/9/01 32K NC-17. Sequel to Journey's End. Fraser and Ray travel to Florida to visit the Vecchios.
Yank 2/8/01 9K NC-17. Just another stake-out...
Where's My Hat?
Toppings 2/11/01 8K Fraser and Ray discuss pizza toppings
Open Arms 4/26/01 16.5K NC-17. Fraser has certain realizations during a near-death experience.















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Page updated 06/06/01